Intermediate Irish (Saturdays)


This level is for anyone who has studied Irish before and completed a course at basic level and is comfortable with speaking at a basic conversational level. Maybe you took an online course, attended an Irish course in person or a Gaeltacht course and you want to build on the basic conversation blocks. Participants will learn useful phrases and useful pieces of grammar to construct sentences, build on vocab, and increase confidence in speaking.

From the instructor: “People taking this course should have (i) a basic knowledge of the major tenses (past, present, future), though they don’t need to have mastered them completely (ii) and an ability to understand the main points of a clear conversation in Irish, with some help understanding the finer points and guidance with specialised vocabulary. This class is taught bilingually and class discussions are bilingual. (between CEFR A2 – B1).”

Class enrollment: 8 people minimum per course/max 16 people.

8 Zoom sessions: Saturdays. 12:00 – 1:30 pm CST. September 21 – November 9.
Class fee: $150
Dean Farrell;



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