Celtic Junction Arts Review
A Testimonial by the Heymanns…
Charlie and Ann Heymann
…scholars and champions of Celtic culture.
The Celtic Junction since its inception has become home to everything Irish in the upper Midwest. But the Celtic Junction Arts Center is so much more than a physical brick & mortar home. Like its commercial counterpart Irish On Grand, it is a home in the hearts of all in this region who identify as “Celtic” in blood and spirit. Like the song says, “Remember the seeds in the little paper cup—The roots go down before the plants come up”, and the Celtic Junction Arts Center is sending its (and our) roots deep, and nourishing us daily through educational and entertaining events and classes encompassing Celtic dancing, music, languages, poetry, literature, mythology, history, and spirituality. And the Eoin McKiernan Library is an invaluable resource in showing us where we come from, where we’ve been, and who has brought us here.
I hope our contribution will be matched by many others today and in the days, weeks and months to come and bring your $100,000 matching fundraiser campaign to a successful conclusion!
All the best,
Charlie and Ann Heymann