Lig Sinn I gCathú


Lig Sinn I gCathú

By Breandán Ó hEithir

Sáirséal Ó Marcaigh, Baile Átha Cliath, 1982

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Long before Hector and the outlaw chic of TG4 there was Máirtín Ó Méalóid, the hero of Lig Sinn i gCathú, Breandán Ó hEithir’s 1976 book. A coming-of-age novel that has retained its contemporary feel, Lig Sinn i gCathú, or Lead Us into Temptation, tells the story of Ó Méalóid, a drunken, dissolute Galway student whose capacity for idleness and irresponsibility is matched only by his thirst for good stout and bad company. Ó hEithir’s touching, irreverent and eminently accessible work is that rarest of literary achievements: an Irish-language best-seller.  –The Irish Times

This edition is Irish language only (no English translation). 205 pages

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